Changing Hearts Church Fast

Congrats on your decision to join the Changing Hearts Church fast! We are excited to hear from our Father during this fasting period. Below you’ll find everything you need to know about our fast. 

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Why are we fasting?

I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to fast. Days later, a CHC leader mentioned fasting, I then knew it was a direct confirmation. So here we are. We are fasting together on Tuesday January 16, 2024 from 12am-6pm (Or until the end of our Prayer & Bible Study, your choice). Please read the below information as it contains more information on our fast including scriptures, frequently asked questions, and a brief word. 

-Seneca Bonds

Time & Date


12am-6pm (Or until the close of Bible Class, your choice).

Type of Fast

We will be doing what is known as a Complete Fast. No food, and no beverages except water, herbal teas, and pure apple juice for those who are fasting for the very first time. 

Scriptures Of Focus

-Matthew 17:14-21

-2 Chronicles 7:14

-Matthew 6:16-18


A Brief Word

We have been called by the Holy Spirit to fast and we said yes to the Father. We are coming together as a body to deny our flesh and present our bodies as living sacrifices to the Most High. Fasting strengthens our spirit man. Fasting allows us to get away from all distractions and focus our attention on God and what he is saying to us in this hour. Fasting also sharpens our spiritual hearing as we seek Him throughout the day. 

When you are fasting, you are making the choice to dedicate yourself to the Father. You are consecrating yourself and devoting your time to seeking God through prayer, worshipping, and focusing on things that are above (Philipians 4:8). God honors fasting because it is a sacrifice. Let’s face it, no one can say that they hate food, and no none can say that they don’t enjoy life’s pleasures. Whether it’s a nice meal at your favorite restaurant, a good book coupled with your favorite sweet treat, or even binge watching a show on Netflix, yes we enjoy certain things in life. But when we decide to break away for a period of time, God is pleased with that. 

So family, let’s fast! There is strength in numbers, so let’s do this together. As we are fasting, seeking and praying all at the same time, Heaven will hear us. Direction and instruction will come. Strength will rise in you, and the Father will have an opportunity to speak to you. Listen out for His voice and His words. Lay aside distractions and allow it to just be you and Him. Sweet communion and fellowship between you and your Father. Let Him love on you as you are seeking His face. Expect healing, transformation, breakthrough, and manifestation. Allow the Father to do a work in you that’s never been done before…A New Thing. Let’s enjoy this fast and be strengthened. Hallelujah! 

-Seneca Bonds 


Frequently Asked Questions Related To Fasting

What are we fasting from?

When fasting, you are making the decision to abstain from something, typically food. But you can also fast from other things in addition to food such as TV or social media. 

If I feel weak, what do I do?

Only you know your body and what your body can take. Do what is best for your overall health. We at CHC will never force anyone to complete a fast. This fasting period is solely your decision to participate in. 

I take medications, can I participate in the fast?

Please follow your medication guidelines as well as your physician’s orders. Instead, you do a Partial Fast. Abstain from TV, social media, shopping…things of that nature. Again, follow your doctor’s orders and maintain your medication schedule. 

What happens if I fail during my fast?

If you fail during your fast, just pray and continue on. Just because you ate something doesn’t mean that you have to stop completely. Keep praying, keep reading, and keep seeking. Try it again! God is with you. 

How can I fast while working/attending school?

Please don’t neglect your work or your studies. During any breaks you have throughout the day, even a bathroom break, pray or read your word. On your commute to and from work or school, worship/pray. Get some time in with the Father whenever you can. Keep him involved in your day. He still honors your sacrifice and your commitment to fast and deny the flesh.