Keys to fasting

Deny The Flesh

Fasting crucifies the flesh to gain more of the spirt of God within us. Galatians 5:16-17 says to walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is contrary to the flesh. The Spirit and the flesh are at a constant war with one another. We have been trained to give our flesh what it wants, but fasting re-trains the flesh to do what the Holy Spirit desires. 


True fasting draws you closer to God. When in prayer or worship, your attention is on Him, which allows Him the proper time to have his way on your life. When you worship, it’s an invitation for the Father to come in. He inhabits the praises of his people. Spending time with the Father strengthens your Spirit and your relationship with Him. Prayer is communication with God. He hears us, and he also wants to speak to us. Stay in touch with Heaven, in the presence of God is where you want to remain. The Bible says that in His presence is fullness of joy, peace, freedom, healing, and so much more.  

Read Your Bible

Reading the word of God brings knowledge, revelation, and wisdom. The word is our sword. It teaches us, it trains us. Daily reading builds our Spirit and we become stronger. As you are fasting, open up the Bible as often as you can. Meditate on the focus scriptures and let the word take root in you. The word is our book of hope and truth. It tells us of God’s power as well as the power that lives within us. You will see growth as you read. You will see your life getting better. You will see your faith rising higher and higher. 

Guided Prayers During This Fast


Father Strengthen Me

Strengthen me Father. Disarm any weaknesses in my heart. Make me stronger and increase my spiritual hearing. Father open the eyes of my understanding so that I would be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Let me think on things that are true, clean, pure, and lovely, according to Philipians 4:8. Make me strong in you. My desire is to grow in you. So Father speak to me and I will listen. Help me to obey your every word. In Jesus (Yeshua’s) name I pray. 


Increase My Faith

Father increase my faith. I want to walk and live by faith. I know and understand that without faith, it is impossible to please you, and I want to please you Father. I want to trust you more. Help me to never doubt you or have a spirit of unbelief. Father I will show you how much I love you and how much I trust your word. I will walk by faith and not by sight. I will try my best to live by the Spirit. I trust you, I honor you, and I know you have already given us the victory as your word says in Ephesians 1:3; that you have already blessed us with EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING! In Jesus (Yeshua’s) name I pray. 


More Of You Father

Father I want to know and experience more of you. There is always more to learn of you, and I desire more of your Spirit. Take me higher in you. Take me deeper in you. Prepare me for the more. To whom much is given, much is required. I’m ready for the more and I will also give you more Father. Right here and right now I give you my whole heart, withholding nothing. I surrender my all to you Father. And I declare that I am not afraid of the journey of faith. In Jesus ((Yeshua’s) name I pray. 


Have Your Way In Me

Father have your way in my life. My desire is to please you and live in your perfect will, not my will but yours. I truly apologize if I have tried to do this life my way and I repent. Draw me closer to you Father. Don’t let me fall, and don’t let me go. Holy Spirit have your way in me. I yield myself over to you Heavenly Father. In Jesus (Yeshua’s) name I pray. 


Stir Up The Gifts In Me

Father stir up every gift that you have place in me. I declare and decree that I will be everything that you have created and called me to be. Help me to rise to my best self every single day. Father reveal to me my beautiful identity, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am chosen, set apart, and loved. I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I am who you say I am. Father I am yours. Use all of me for your glory. Here I am. In Jesus (Yeshua’s) name I pray. 


Deliver Me From Evil

Father I ask that you destroy everything in my life that is not of you. It doesn’t matter if its new or old. If it’s not your will for me, I don’t want it in my life. I loose the fire of God on every demonic presence in my life, past and present. Father I even repent of all wickedness and sin in my life and or anything that has separated me from you. Father I want and need you. Purify my heart and purify my generations. I decree that every demonic thing that I have experienced will not be passed down to my children or their children, and so on. I renounce and denounce every evil spirit that is lurking around me and or in me. Deliver me and keep me from all evil Father. In Jesus (Yeshua’s) name I pray. 

Why are we fasting?

Simply put, we are fasting because we were led to do so. Fasting draws us near to God. It allows us a clear and open space to hear from the Father with no distractions. Click the link to learn more.