What we believe

We Believe

We believe in one God, Yeshua Hamashiach, who is eternally existent as the Trinity of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

We believe Yah is all-knowing, all powerful, and omnipresent. There is none like him and none can compare to his glory, power, and splendor. 

We believe that the Messiah, Yah’s Son, lived and died for the sins of this world, that we may be joint heirs with our Father in Heaven. Because of the Messiah’s sacrifice, we are saved by grace and are able to have access to the Kingdom of Heaven through repentance and surrendering our lives to our Father. 

We believe the Bible in its original manuscripts is Yeshua’s word. We study and conduct our lives according to the Holy scriptures and prophecy. 

We believe in the power and baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is the very spirit of Yah who lives in us. Holy Spirit leads us, guides us, and comforts us as we walk and live this life of faith. 

We believe that prayer is essential to the believer. Prayer is our power source and it enables us to see through the eyes of the spirit of Heaven. 

We believe that by faith in Yah, all things are possible. Through our faith, Yah can implement his divine will in our lives, allowing us to live an abundant life of freedom and truth. 

We believe that Yah our Father loves us with the most unconditional love that one could ever experience. His perfect love for us is our deepest treasure. Daily we surrender our hearts to the one who loves us the most. 

Father Yah, we believe in you. We love you. We honor you. Be glorified forever in our hearts, and may your Kingdom reign forever and ever. 
