Our church pillars

Faith is the belief that there is someone bigger than us, watching over us, and keeping us. He’s a protector, a friend, a creator, a provider, he’s everything to us. He is the Most High God. Faith is believing Jeremiah 29:11 that says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.” Faith is experiencing Ephesians 1:3 which says that God, through his son, has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Faith is speaking those things that be not as though they already are. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not yet manifested. 

Faith is family, community, compassion, and brotherly love. Faith is respect, and faith is also honor. Faith is walking with God and believing that he is. Faith is believing in the finished works of our Father, living a life that is empowered by the fullness of His grace. Faith is surrendering yourself to God, even though you have your own abilities, skillsets, and qualifications….you still know that without faith it is impossible to please Him. Faith is fellowship. This church was founded by faith, shaped by faith, and standing in faith.

Love. Our Father is love. He heals through love. He delivers through love. He rescues us because of his love for us. The Messiah gave his life for us all because of love. For God so love the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life; life to the fullest. Without love, we are bankrupt. Without love, it’s impossible to spread the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Father instructs us to love our neighbor as we love our ourselves, and that we should even love our enemies. 

Love is walking together. Love is showing kindness to neighbors and strangers. Love is forgiveness and repentance. Love is believing in 1 Corinthians 13 which says that love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not envious or boastful. Love bears all things, hope for all things. Love rejoices in the truth. Love never fails, isn’t easily angered, and is not boastful. Love is the center of our relationship with God. So on love we will stand, and on love we will share the gospel with as many people as we can. 


The Bible tells us that healing is the children’s bread. Healing belongs to us as children of the Most High. Its is our portion. We know and believe that by the Messiah’s strips we are healed. This means that we don’t have to accept reports of illness or disease. This means that we don’t have to live with a broken heart, or a broken spirit. Through the Messiah, we are healed. Your healing has already been established. It’s already done.

Different circumstances may cause one to doubt or waiver in their faith, but remember who you are and whose you are. You are a child of the King. The Great I Am lives inside of you, and he cares for you. May he surround you with the light and love of Heaven so much so that all brokenness, all hurt, all pain, and every manner of sickness be removed in Jesus name. We are healed and free by the very blood of the Lamb.  

Community. Togetherness. Community is strength. When we all come together to worship, what a great sound that is. When we all come together to pray, what a mighty voice that goes out into the earth. When our brother or sister needs us, we show up and cover them. 

Strength in community. Strength in the fellowship of the believers. Power and grace among those who love Him and honor Him. Where two or three are gathered in the Father’s name, he is there. What a blessing it is to come together, gathered in His name to worship Him.